
課室教學 / 教學目標




We Had Cleaned the House Before You Arrived

1.  能以簡單的英語介紹各國跨年特色。

2.  能以英語描述個人的回憶或曾有過的經驗。

3.  能運用過去完成式的句型。

4.  能學會下列三種語言結構:

(1) I had washed my hands before I ate the sandwich.

(2) She had left home when we visited her.

 (3) John said (that) he had already met Jenny last year.


5.  復習國中三年所習得的英語語法中的現在完成式和和過去完成式。

Try On the Jeans

1. 能用簡易的英語參與課堂上的討論和小組活動。

2. 能使用簡易英語來描述自己的穿著搭配。

3. 能了解牛仔褲的由來。

4. 能學會可分動詞片語和不可分動詞片語的用法。

(1) You can try on the shoes right now. 
     You can try the shoes on right now.
     You can try them on right now.

(2) We should get on the bus after it stops.
     We should get on it after it stops.

Buy Secondhand Gifts

1. 能用簡易的英語參與課堂上的討論和小組活動。

2. 能使用簡易英語討論購買物品及敘述購買二手商品的好處。

3. 能學會下列連接詞用法:

    (1) both...and...  

Helen bought both grapes and papayas.

    (2) not only...but also...

Bill ate not only fries but also hamburgers.

    (3) either...or...   

You can have either pizza or noodles.

    (4) neither...nor...

Tim neither finished the art report nor studied for the math test.

The More It Snows

1. 能聽懂日常生活對話。

2. 能參與課堂上的口語練習並與他人溝通。

3. 能從朗讀課文中領略英詩的韻律節奏和押韻的情形。

4. 能認識詩人A.A.Milne和其著作,進而懂得欣賞短詩。

5. 復習國中三年所習得的英語語法中的現在完成式和和過去完成式。

    (1) I have never seen an action movie before.

(2) When I woke up this morning, the rain had (already) stopped.

Different Movies for Different People

1. 能以簡單的英語說出自己的感覺。

2. 學習有關電影的英語。

3. 復習下列兩種語言結構和語調:

    (1) Yes/No問句當名詞子句。

     I don’t know if/whether he is interested in love stories.


     Do you know how long it will take to go there by ship?

    (2) that引導出受詞子句。

     I think (that) love stories are boring.

Preparing to Turn to the Next Page

1. 能以簡易的英語討論日常生活。

2. 能以簡易英語敘述未來的生涯規劃。

3. 能以簡易英語表達畢業感受。

4. 復習關係子句的句型結構:

    (1) I know a cook who is also good at painting.

   (2) I’m reading the book (that/which) I borrowed from the library.

