作文繳交標準: 1. 作文本, A4大小, 姓名和座號, 標示封面右上角.隔行寫(考試時不用). 2. 完稿, 以黑色簽字筆書寫, 需有同學的回饋(小黃檢查表), 大綱( 5W1H) 否則退回。 3. 作文可重寫訂正, 來再次提高原分數。因為進步 progress, 來自不斷的訂正。 4. 作文課本(紅本), 有完成<指定閱讀/實作頁數>, 採加分制. 5. 繳交作業, 由小老師收, 再交給老師。 |
<01/03 作文批改建議>
<單字用法: expect vs. anticipate>
X My parents anticipated me to be good at time management.
O …………… expected…. 為較佳的選擇
此誤用來自以中文字背誦英文單字, 卻未注意例句的實際使用方式(情境):
可改用英英字典, 平時多閱讀英文原文, 寫英文日記等方法來增加語感。
#You shouldn't expect others to do your work for you.
We don't anticipate any trouble.
Are you anticipating a lot of people at the party tonight?
你預計今晚的聚會會有很多人來嗎? [例句出處]
<策略叮嚀: 考卷本身協助寫作>
能按照叮嚀, 不斷練習的同學, 曾經提過, <量力而為>確實能減少錯誤, 但仍想要有所提升, 爭取更好的分數; 另一個可以使用的資源, 就是各位面前的考試卷!!! 高分群的同學, 所採用的策略之一, 就是拿考卷內的好單字/句型, 運用在作文內。這項提示, 也在課堂上, 融入另一篇可背誦的範例, 提供同學參考, 並調整寫作策略。
提示: 你認為凡事都要事前規劃嗎? 請寫一篇短文說明你看法.文分兩段,第一段說明你對於是否要事前規劃的看法和理由,第二段則舉例說明你曾事前規劃過什麼事情,並描述規劃後有什麼結果.(題目出處: Ivy 模考卷; 至少180字) |
Yes, I firmly believe we should plan ahead for every job. The reason why comes from a personal experience. One year ago, when we just start[ed] learning how to write an English essay, I encountered a problem: I couldn’t finish writing a composition. Then our teacher reminded me to pay attention to time management and exam strategies. He said, “When we get an exam paper, always quickly check the whole exam paper instead of start answering questions from the beginning. In order to achieve the best result, it is always wise to estimate how much time each section requires, and what the title for the writing task is.” That suggestion made sense because planning ahead would give me enough time to finish the writing task.
The next time I got the exam paper, I followed that tip and made a plan for different sections in the exam. I finished the easy part first and checked the title for the writing at the beginning. This change in exam strategies gave me enough time to think about how to write a better composition. Now that I knew what the writing task was right from the beginning, I could collect useful vocabulary and phrases when I was working on cloze and reading questions. By the time I finished the final reading section, I pretty much had a good idea about how to respond to the writing task ahead of me. Now, I have enough time to finish the writing task because I have learned to plan ahead.
<12/20 段考題作文二修, 批改建議>
<策略叮嚀: 下筆前的計劃> “Planning is everything.” Dwight D. Eisenhower
已經克服文法和句型問題的同學, 下一個要處理的, 就是最常出現的<時態不一致>問題, 其實可以參考高分作文同學的解決方法----下筆前, 先簡單的抓出事件的先後順序, 以時間副詞, 劃分出二個區塊。
例如以< Two years ago, a friend tought me how to…> 第一段全用過去式, <Now, we have learned …>以相關的現在式來帶出題目要求的內容。下筆前若能如此規劃, 自然在寫作上, 不會出現時態亂跳, 令讀者滿頭霧水的失誤哦!
<句型使用> X …she made me understood that….
使役動詞 make O V 命令(某人)去做某事
正確用法---- O…she made me understand….
試比較: make oneself understood in English …..清楚的表達
It is sometimes challenging to make oneself understood in a foreign language.
Q < 要用 by 或是 with ? >
通常 by + -ing 而 with + N
By pressing this button, you turn on the alarm system.
Then by entering the code 0089, you can turn it off again. (例句出處)
They opened the package with a knife.
I’ll tie it with some tape to keep it closed. (例句出處)
練習: (______) people’s help, we could achieve more.
Q: conversely 和 on the contrary 有何不同?
A husband should never cheat on his wife. Conversely, a wife should never have an extra-marital affair.
"He usually votes Republican, but she conversely tends to vote for Democrats."
on the contrary有反對/否決前述觀點的含義
I did not go to London; on the contrary I went to Paris.
It's no trouble at all; on the contrary, it will be a great pleasure to help you.
This newspaper story could damage their reputation; _______ , it will give them alot of free publicity.
We thought it would be bad weather, but ________ it was a clear day. 我以為天氣會很糟, 但恰恰相反是個大晴天。
<12/07 作文範例--圖表型作文: 策略分析/ 單字句型的學習>
This graph shows the various reasons why the students from a certain college have a part-time job. (*寫作策略:善用題目的解說)The horizontal axis indicates the reasons why they work part-time, including making friends, earning money, gaining working experience, killing time, learning how to be independent and other reasons. The vertical axis represents the percentage of students working part-time for each purpose. Thirty-five percent of the students work part-time simply because they want to make money on their own. Thirty percent of them do so in the hope of gaining working experiences, while those who want to make friends and kill time possess fifteen percent and five percent respectively. Those who want to be more independent by working accounts for ten percent. The other five percent of the students work for other reasons.
If I have to take a part-time job, I would do so out of some pragmatic reasons. I would probably focus on earning income and gaining job experiences but I would love to become a more independent person as well, since I don't consider myself the most independent guy in the room most of the time. It would be even better if I can make a few friends out of my working experiences.(英文原稿出處: 大考中心電子報)
(追加) In the future, when I go into the job market, I think I will have a better chance of getting the ideal job because I have this working experience and hence need no more training. Those potential employers will find me a valuable asset. Such is the reason why I would have a part-time job. (word count: 257)
<11/28 段考作文建議>
Q:knowldge 可以加上-s 變成複數嗎?
Ans: 字典上的用法, 均無複數用法。參照連結 另可試著用 skills, techniques, know-hows, procedure, ways…
I confused what could I do to hange this thing…
I got confused about what I could do to change this thing…
You’re confusing me – please repeat the directions more slowly.(例句出處)
當<形容詞>使用, 接在be, get動詞後, :
Grandpa gets pretty confused sometimes.爺爺有時容易迷糊 (例句出處)
<解題焦題: 主動詞和主詞的位置>
What could I do? 疑問詞+助動+主詞.....問句的用法
Tell me what I could do. what子句內, 主詞+動詞, 在此當受詞使用。
<11/17 作文批改建議>
總評:此次繳交作文中, 多數同學已採用<用字遣詞量力而為;完稿後檢查除錯>的策略, 單字拼錯/句型誤用的情形, 已大幅減少, 讚!
尚待改進之處: 在於所寫內容缺乏<舉例說明>來突顯104寫作題目, 表達可能的改善之處; 104 英文作文佳作01, 第二段中, 即使用此類模式, 來詳加說明, 在讀完指定讀本後, 可產生的改變, 用來增強自己的論點.
Q: She had been ________ by John’s humor and courteous attitude.
要用那一個? A) attracted B) appealed
A: A) 是較佳的選擇, appeal, 在運用時, 會加上to, appeal 多用於<主動語態>
I think what appeals to me about his painting is his use of color.
A: talk to / talk with ? to 代表上對下的; with 強調平輩之間的
Q:用leave 或 have 來接 impression?
Because her Facebook profile picture was unmodified,
some strangers would even _________ her.
A) leave a bad impression on
B) have a bad impression about/of
試比較: His bad manners left a bad impression on his friends.
Q: spread 不可以用 spreaded 嗎?
A: 它屬於<不規則變化動詞>, 需要花時間背誦, 請參考*連結資料:
A-A-A型(原形→原形→原形)spread spread spread
A-B-A型(原形→過去式→原形)come came come
A-B-B型 (過去式和過去分詞同型) pay paid paid
A-B-C型blow blew blown
10/30 段考作文批改回饋
總評: 許多段考作文展露出寫作者的努力和用心、讀來令人振奮; 不過, 可惜的是, 也有內容反映出寫作者仍未改其過、急就章拼湊而成的<無心物>。
第一次段考進步明顯之作文, 最大特點—他們已注意到作業中的批改建議, 在寫作上採取「量力而為」的策略; 也預留了時間, 交卷前再次仔細檢查修正, 也因此減少了拼字和句法上的缺失, 最終在評分上獲得長足進步。看到這些同學的進步和你們臉上的笑容, 批改老師十分欣慰, 因為你們的努力有了回報。文後所附之圖, 即是段考中進步頗多之作品。
可惜, 也仍有一部份的段考作文, 幾乎完全重現已經被指出的缺失; 在段考後, 以數位影像投影方式, 挑了幾篇, 點出應注意之缺失。也要求這幾位同學, 再次訂正。
另外, 你臉上的失望, 也是批改老師心裏的感受。
有效學習, 來自已身的反省和持續不斷的修正。段考的限時寫作, 是高壓力測試, 得分高的同學, 預祝在下一次的驗收成果時, 能再次豐收; 未能獲得好成績的同學們, 多注意作業上的寫作建議, 做到不二過的要求, 更要振作精神, 努力向上, 別輸給其它同學哦!
批改總評:這次批改, 發現有很多同學的寫作有明顯的進步, 再和<進步幅度小>的同學作品相比較, 有下列差異:
- 進步較多的作品, 多有在<同學互評>的階段, 按同學建議, 在第二回重寫中, 對原作加以改善。繳交作文, 書寫工整度提高, 文法錯誤減少, 也有隔行書寫, 易於老師提供建議。
- 進步幅度小的同學, 作文中所犯的錯誤, 基本上都己被同學點出來, 可惜仍未重新書寫。
寫作方向建議: 102 連環圖型的英文作文, 有同學一開始點出, <這位不讓座的男學生, 學到一個教訓>。這是可以學習的作文策略.
寫作方向建議: 因為英文作文, 寫作長度沒超過500字, 請第一句就開門見山, 直接破題。將第一張圖的主要內容作個陳述。
解釋出處: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/chinese/features/q-and-a/ep-170614
O When we arrived at the airport,..... 因為有指明到達地點, 加上 at 是正確的。
那麼, 寫作時要用那些單字呢? 最好的答案就在平時的課文, 高一、二的英文課本, 它們就是最好的作文範本哦!
A. 圖片型作文, 善用5W1H, 來鎖定圖片”關鍵字”, 也達成寫作不離題的要求.
B. 單字/句型運用:一個原則, 量力而為, 簡單就是美.(=不懂的單字/句型, 別硬來)
(對比例子: 99指考英文作文佳作二篇)
B.用字平實型: [對比描述清晰生動,敘事句體完整且用字平實]
C. 善用簡單的 when, as, because 和, with, for, in 等連接詞和介詞片語, 就能創造文章中句子的多樣性.
------------ 09/05 批改回饋 ---佳作連結
待修改例句: “On the left side of the campus, where a classroom building has been built.”
A. 連接詞的誤用: 上句中的 where 是多餘的, 造成後接的句子, 成為<從屬子句>。
待修改例句: “Planting trees included the sidewalk outside our school.”
B. 動名詞的誤用: 試比較
“We have planted more trees, including the sidewalk….”
Shifting to a healthier diet reduces a person’s chance of getting a heart attack.
C. 寫作建議: 606班優選文章的結構清楚來自<善用主題句、轉折詞>
主題句—點出三個要點: There are three major changes in our school.
First, …………….. Second,……….. Finally,……….
這些轉折詞, 能讓讀者能立即知道那裏分出了段落, 支持的論証在何處, 還有何處要結尾。
D. 結構清楚來自<各段落, 僅置放一個焦點>
They even expanded the length of the runway. The runway is paved with shredded tires. This can reduce the pain when a student accidentally trips over.
E. 時態的選擇
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am writing the letter to tell you our school had a big change.
has had
Our school has gone through a big change since we have a new president now.
When she had been to take office, she said, “We have to change our school.”
took office
完成式-通常可以不指定明確時間 I have read that book.
簡單過去式-一定要有明確時間 – at 8:30 last night; on September 22nd
現在式 – Our campus is totally different from what it was three years ago.
F. 試比較 X There have great changes in our school’s layout. 錯誤的用法
0 There are great changes ….
0 Our school has great changes in its layout.
G. 待修改例句: Due to the increasing [amount] of students….
可數名詞, 請用 the number of
不可數名詞, 請用 the amount of
-------08/15 暑假批改回饋:
A. 學測作文批改者多是教授, 因此高中生作文, 儘量少用 you, 請用 we/ I/ our/ us, .
B. 單字選擇: convenience or convenient stores; 便利商店 convenience stores
C. Every time = Whenever 所以帶出的句子, 不能獨立存在, 需再加主句.
D. 標點符號應用: 中英引用符號有別 – “ 雙引號 “ ‘單引號’
E. Such activities has / have 注意主詞和主動詞的[單複數]相符; 所以,寫完要再檢查.
F. “Creating even more unnecessary purchases and wasting his or her money.”
“Another point is that some of the free gifts are….., creating even more unnecessary purchases….” 若使用複雜句型, 請務必再檢查一次.
G. 預寫大綱, 因為你知道要如何發展, 那整篇作文, 結構也能清楚, 文意不打結.
交卷前再次仔細檢查修正, 也因此減少了拼字和句法上的缺失, 最終在評分上獲得長足進步